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"If penicillin cures the sick, Jerez resuscitates the dead", wrote the mythical Nobel Prize winner Alexander Fleming, inventor of penicillin, in a boot of a Jerez winery.

The office of Venenciador is one of the oldest, traditional and genuine of the Marco de Jerez.

The well-known "triangle of Jerez" is located between the towns of Jerez de la Frontera, El Puerto de Santa María and Sanlúcar de Barrameda

Vinegar, from the French "vin aigre" (sour wine), is a product obtained by the action of the acetic bacteria on a hydroalcoholic solution.

A candle in any square, the neighbors around. The jingle of a tambourine, the cracking of the guitar, a drawer, the palms and the Jerez carols sound.

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