Wedding Cristina Luque and José Cauto

Inicio Eventos Wedding Cristina Luque and José Cauto

  • 14
  • Jul

Wedding Cristina Luque and José Cauto

Is there a nicer place to get married than in the heart of the countryside? That is what Cristina and José thought. Last July, The Blessed Madness was the setting for the wedding they had been planning for over a year and everything went great! At 7 pm the civil ceremony began in a corner of our outdoor area that the Enea florist and catering Your other kitchen was responsible for decorating and preparing for the occasion.

After a few emotional moments, the cocktail began. In perfectly placed high tables, they were able to enjoy the best night of their lives. A different meal, drink for all tastes and several music groups were responsible for guiding the guests through a night that ended the next day.

Thus, well into the morning, the buses made an appearance in an area of ​​our exterior designed for cars and ended one of the most frantic and beautiful days of La Bendita Locura.


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